Grand Opening – Style Encore

Oh Spring of ’14, we hunger for you
We’ve had sleet around here and low temperatures too
We’re tired of our sweaters and want to clean out
Were it not for the bluebonnets we’d really have doubt

That warmer spring temps are truly here to stay
That we can pull on the shorts and go out to play
So clean, sort and donate; you have a good reason
Spring really is here – our favorite thrift season!

Hello darling readers…no review this time but want you to have the head’s up on Thursday’s Grand Opening at Style Encore. It’s April 3 from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and our friends are planning lots of fun things like special drawings and prizes (and free pizza). For details take a look at their website:  Address is 2929 West Anderson Lane.

Thrift hugs to all of you! Look for the next thrift store review on April 10 and look for me on Thursday.

As much as it pains the Discount Diva to admit it, she doesn’t know everything thrift. What are your favorite places and best bargains?
Until the next find!
The Thrifty Snicker

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